Ohood Abdullah Almuhatresh
Open University Malaysia..

Abdul Rahman bin S Senathirajah
INTI International University, Malaysia..

Rasheedul Haque
MAHSA University, Malaysia..


This study aimed to identify the most influential factors in purchasing cell phones online in Bahrain. This research investigated the needs of smartphone buyers who acquire their devices via internet channels. Using self-administered structured questionnaires, quantitative questionnaires were utilized to collect data for this study. The questionnaire was created by deriving research questions linked to personal characteristics, company factors, and technological aspects to determine their impact on consumer purchase intent. The self-administered survey was distributed to 400 respondents using a form of convenience sampling. We conducted the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The findings indicate that personal, technological, and business-related aspects influence the inclination to acquire smartphones online in Bahrain. The factors customers in Bahrain consider most significant when purchasing are personal. Future options include adding new elements as moderators and mediators, utilizing different geographic regions, and expanding the study to cover additional sectors and products